Christmas...Forced into Love (Giving and Receiving)
Friday, November 23rd During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day. I then heard an internal voice say, "Christmas...forced into love." I had a feeling in the moment this applied to giving and receiving being forced amongst family members and friends on Christmas. It is so nice to be in my forties and not care what others think of me or of my actions. I do what is best and healthiest for myself, my immediate family, and the environment. This year is the first time my wife and I agreed not to buy each other gifts for Christmas. We are refusing to "show love" for one another this way, which marketing has brainwashed our society into believing this is necessary to do each year. The bigger and more expensive gift, implies the more love you have for that individual. My wife offered up the example of a high end vehicle with a big red bow attached. There isn't a year that doesn't go by without se...