Ladies Will Stabilize Their Men

Sunday, November 4th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard a voice say, "Ladies will stabilize their men."

First thing that came to mind is my relationship with my wife Kels.   She often helps me switch from the emotional to the logical state of thinking by her profound listening.  She offers moral support.  She encourages me to grow.  Kels focuses on my strengths.  My wife empowers me when it feels my internal and external world is imploding at times.  Kels is often my rock when life itself can feel like quick sand.  When the ship appears to be sinking, she always knows what to say to keep my boat a float.  Life is much more happy and manageable, when you have a loving and brilliant lady backing the man.   Over the years, I have seen the same phenomena occur in my own family and with friends.

Society exemplifies this statement by Somoya.  My best example would be to reflect on each President of the United States that has served our country over the years.  A strong and moral First Lady, is what creates and manifest a great president each time.


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