
Showing posts from March, 2021

"See the good food. Feed the noogies." 2/25/21

 An oracle card last evening said to connect to my homeland.  I decided to give it a try today.  During the morning meditation.  This time I created a different visualization.  My first and ongoing visualization has always been of the Middle Ages, Rasko my horse, forest, open grassy field, gazebo on the bluffs looking at the Olympics and meeting up with spirit guides Somoya and Jenja.  This time I visualized me in a cloak, sandals, Rosko, forest of cedar trees, desert, gazebo on the bluff looking at the Mediterranean Sea, and meeting up with my ancestral spirits from Lebanon.

"Peace." 2/24/21

During morning meditation, I asked my spirit guide Jenja an astronomical question:  "What do I need to know for my 49th year of life?"  I then heard, "Peace." I have consciously decided that I am devoting the second half of my life to achieving peace within and out in the community.  I am going to be the best version of myself.  I am going to offer healing in many ways using many of my gifts that the universe has bestowed upon me.  

"Managing Anger" 2/24/21

 During morning meditation while in the forest, I heard, "Managing Anger."  Again, I am do my best to manage the anger I feel around a client I am serving who is not receiving appropriate services over 8 months.  I have never done an OPA to manage anger.  I want to do this ASAP.  Anger is an internal signal that something is wrong. 

"Venting" 2/24/21 It's my Birthday! I am 49.

 During morning meditation, while suiting up, I heard, "Venting."  I feel this pertains to work.  I have been strongly advocating for a client of mind that hasn't received proper services for over 8 months.  He is a minority.  I am seeing a pattern in my caseload.  

"You can't be reliant with everything being on the Counter." 2/23/21

During morning meditation, while at the gazebo, I heard, "You can't be reliant with everything being on the counter."  I really struggle clearing the kitchen counter of some mail and other stuff, cause anxiety of out of sight out of mind.  I don't want to forget or misplace things I need: paying bills and all my charging stuff for bike lights. It has always lowered my anxiety when I can see things out in the open, cause I have such a poor memory and I am very afraid of forgetting and making mistakes-learning behavior from my mom and dad as a child.  I feel this is apart of my shadow work.  I am working on it.

"It's just Miscommunication." 2/22/21

 During morning meditation, while suiting up, I heard, "It's just miscommunication." Retrograde is FINALLY over!

"Do the Work." 2/22/21

Heard in the middle of the night while awaking to use the bathroom, "Do the work." 

"Human Ideas." 2/21/21

 During morning meditation, while walking through the forest, I heard, "Human ideas."

"Should he smell fear, he will attack." 2/20/21

 During morning meditation, I asked my spirit guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard, "Should he smell fear, he will attack."

"6th." "September." "Cell." 2/19/21

 During evening meditation, I asked Somoya when Kels would leave Assumption.  This was Kels question.  First I heard, "6th". Second I heard, "September."  Third I heard, "Cell".  

"Unbelievable. Unpredictable." 2/19/21

During morning meditation, I asked Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard, "Unbelievable.  Unpredictable." 

"We're Here." 2/18/21

  During morning meditation, I heard, "We're here."  My take away, the spirit guides are always here for me when I need them.

"What are the answers through There?" 2/17/21

 During morning meditation, I asked my spirit guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard, "What are the answers through there?"

"Parenting and education all in One". 2/17/21

 During morning meditation, while in the forest, I heard, "Parenting and education all in one."