Wiped Out!

Tuesday, September 11th

During morning meditation, I heard internally, "Wiped out!'  I believe it is safe to assume that this refers to how my wife, son, and myself feel this second week with new transitions and schedules.  My wife started working five days a week as a teacher assistant.  She is having to do work even off hours.    In addition, she is assisting my son with his new school routine and some homework-going over what is expected of him from each of his teachers.  My son started sixth grade in Middle School.  It is a big leap from grade school.  He is quickly building independence by walking to and from school alone.  Staying home alone for short periods, and adjusting to a much bigger school, new teachers, and new classmates.   Myself, I am doing my best to get home by 6:30pm.  I am open to assist with making meals and/or clean up from meals.  I am making lunches. I am open to assist with homework.  There is more to keep track of this year.  Homework is being posted on line, on the iPad, and in our son's binder.  We are all trying to still have a little family time each night to check in around the day and some down time all together watching a favorite show together.  It is a ton to pack in the evening, when we only have two hours all together!  After our son goes to bed, we need to take care of needs (paying bills, organizing for the next day, etc...), before we get to be with one another before bed.  We are all doing our best to keep highly organized in order to maximize our time together daily.  It is exhausting to keep this pace daily during the week.  Hopefully with time and consistent good sleep, we all will adjust, and we all will feel more energized in the weeks to come.


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