We talked for Forty Minutes

Saturday, November 3rd

I meditated a second time after waking up.  I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard a voice say,"We talked for forty minutes."

For months I have been thinking of joining a gym to do spin classes, rowing, and swim.  Spin is my main passion.  This workout is what has been luring me to enquire about monthly membership.  The roads have become too dangerous to bike.

This morning, I finally made myself a priority.  My wife Kels is in Denver Colorado enjoying a first annual all women's financial independence conference.  My son got his needs met last night, and was fast asleep.

I took myself to 24 Hour Fitness literally down the street.  I spent at least 40 minutes speaking with staff about membership, signing up for the year, hearing about spin classes, and getting a tour of the facility.  I feel great having committed myself to caring for my physical well-being once again.  It has been many many years.  Tomorrow I am starting with a 8:30am spin class.  My goal is to partake three times a week.


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