The Last Two Weeks, I was the Energy Bird!

Friday, November 16th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "The last two weeks, I was the energy bird!"

I feel Somoya was referring to a hummingbird.  I have been very productive both at work, home, and improving my body strength.  At work, I have been getting clients their needs met, even though it has been emotionally challenging.  At home, I joined the gym and have been working out on a regular basis.  In addition, last weekend I worked with my wife to rid our home of more stuff.  We were able to reduce our kitchen wants, to basic kitchen needs.  It was not a fun or easy process, but I am glad we did it.  We also worked on our financial goals together, so we can eventually become financially independent in 10 or 15 years.   For me, that in itself was a very overwhelming topic to discuss.  My wife and I managed to get through it without hurt feelings or an argument.  We also discussed rent and when and where we should move next, in order to keep rent 30% of our total annual gross income.  We are both open to being flexible and starting to network with friends.

In addition, I set up medical appointments for myself and my son.  I already went to two physical therapy appointments for my shoulders this week.  They both froze up on me this past May.  I am beginning to feel better in just two sessions, which I am thrilled about!  I was fortunate to also have a friend who is a PT work on my shoulders last evening, which I felt may have been most effective.  He did lymphatic drainage and deep tissue pin and stretch.  After my first PT session at the clinic, I told them today that my friend worked on me and the techniques he used.   As a result, the PT did a lot more hands on.  The PT was very surprised by how much I improved in one day!  He seemed surprised that my friend Steve used lymphatic drainage.  It showed on his face and I could hear it in his voice.  Hopefully both approaches will continue to be beneficial for my healing process.


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