We Don't Need to Worry About the Presentation, So to Speak

Thursday, November 1st

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then internally heard a voice say,"We don't need to worry about the presentation, so to speak."  Then I  internally heard a voice say, "Car and raises...I am supposed to care."

Recently I have let my supervisors and co-workers know that I hope to soon leave my current position.  My goal is to leave before or by February, 2019.  I am being transparent, in hopes to receive support and also give my team plenty of heads up to prepare and find a suitable replacement.   I have a few potential workplaces in mind.  Some are non-profit and some are private.  My best chance at raises would be with a private company or finding a better job within my current company.  I will be spending the next several weeks, and possibly next couple months, making a sound choice on choosing my next professional clinical position.  My next job needs to allow me to keep engaging with my passion of being in a therapeutic role in social services.  I also want to grow my consulting business on weekends with my good friend.

Therefore, I feel the first message from Somoya is letting me know that my friend and I are going to do great presenting on my cognitive behavioral tool for managing stress.  We just need to take the time to network, sign contracts, and figure out space and logistics.

The second message from Somoya is reminding me to be hyper aware.  To not be lured to my next position by more money and wants.  She has told me in the past that the spiritual world is more important than the physical world.    My heart has always gotten my needs met over all the years. That is why I chose to work where I work and have stayed for so long.

Unfortunately, I feel my current job has switched from making the spiritual world primary, to secondary importance.  Money now has become the primary focus, rather than the other way around.  I need to stick to my values and morals, and I will be just fine.  When money becomes the primary focus, one begins to feel the surrounding support begin to wither.  Based on my 10 years of behavioral health skill-sets, I am excited to find out who will want me to join their team, while exemplifying to me true team qualities.


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