I Don't Want Knee Surgery

Tuesday, November 13th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I don't want knee surgery."

I am not sure if this pertained to me or our friend Nan.  On Sunday, when gathering with friends to watch the Packers play the Dolphins, our friend Nan stated she had slipped and fell the day before and injured a ligament in her right knee.  She stated she didn't want to have to get a MRI done, due to out of pocket cost.  She hopes to not need surgery.  I offered her a session of energy work, while watching the game.  In addition, her brother, a physical therapist, did some PT treatment during the game.  We all hope she heals quickly and can avoid surgery.  My wife turned to me and asked, "Have you ever had a knee injury?"  I knocked on wood, and stated, "No...thankfully!"

I met my goal of completing four days of spin class as of yesterday!  Unfortunately, last night's spin instructor pushed the hardest of all the instructors I have been exposed to so far.  I didn't take Somoya's advice over the weekend, which was to compete with myself, and not others.  I pushed big gears too soon in the process of just getting back into shape.  My ego got the best of me.  I was just having so much fun, cause the spin last night was very realistic to road racing.  I miss my competitive cycling years in my teens.  As a result, my left knee started to feel sore after class.  My pain fortunately is only around a 2 or 3 on the pain scale of 1-10.

Today, I finally recalled that I actually had re-aggravated an old knee injury that I had caused five years ago.  I had gone back to commuting to work by bike.  I quickly pushed bigger gears to soon back then.  I was impatient and not realistic.  As a result, I injured my left knee.  I stopped riding all together, till just this past year or so.  All of my riding up until this point as been easy, cause I have just been riding off and on for fun with my son.

So, possibly Somoya is addressing my subconscious anxious thoughts.  Therefore, I am planning to be patient and realistic, so I can continue to make spin class a sustainable way for me to workout, be happy, and feel good about myself.  I am taking two days off from the bike.  I am going to ride easy on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  I am definitely going to back off on resistance for the time being.  I am icing, when needed.  I am doing energy work, when needed.  I am eating healthy.  I am getting plenty of rest.  All of this will assist with a quick recovery process.


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