
Wednesday, November 21st

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  Then I heard a voice say, "Cheating...Dorris."

I don't know anyone named Dorris.  I personally can't stand anyone who cheats on anything or on anyone.  I use to get so upset in high school when classmates would cheat looking over my shoulder during exams.  I hated when I found out my fellow competitors in cycling where using steroids to cheat.  I was ashamed and disgusted to hear of Lance Armstrong cheating to win all 7 Tour De Frances.  I use to compete against him as a junior cyclist.  He was probably cheating back then.  I get very frustrating when I hear about co-workers using stimulants to get through their classes, as they advance their careers.  It makes me mad when people cheat in sports and body strengthening.  Most of all, I despise anyone who cheats on their partners.  It is one thing that I can't let go and move on when in an intimate relationship.  I don't recall ever being cheated on in a relationship.  I know I would not manage well emotionally, based on being very sensitive and trusting. I am extremely loyal, and I take pride with being honest and loyal to others.  Cheating that goes on in relationships causes unrepairable emotional damage, in my opinion.  A brother of mine never emotionally recovered from being cheating on years ago.  He was never able to move forward and have a healthy intimate relationship.  He became lonely and spent much time alone.   


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