Look You Smarto, Letting Others Pass You

Sunday, November 11th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then internally heard a voice say, "Look you smarto, letting others pass you."  (What is funny is my best friends in high school often gave me nicknames.  Now Somoya is engaging with me in this fashion.)

My interpretation is I am finally learning that it is OK not to be the best, when competing against others in spin class.  Best to compete against myself.  This will make cycling fun again and sustainable as a form of exercise.

I will be fifty years old in 3 years.  This sounds old to me, but I don't feel old or look it.  What is shocking to me is I will be a senior citizen in nine years! Most of the spin class members are younger, but I am having no problem keeping up with the class pace.  Some are stronger and faster, and I for once am not bothered or reacting internally with negative feelings about myself.   I am going at my own pace.  I am slowly building my own strength and endurance, by not comparing or competing directly with others.  I am letting the instructor guide.  I follow as best as I can.  I haven't had this much fun with cycling, since I was competing as a junior national cyclist from ages 14 to 17.

In the past week, I have gone 4 times to spin class.  Emotionally, I feel amazing.  I feel my overall anxiety has come down a notch or two.  Physically, I am very surprised how I feel.  After all these years of being off the bike, I am not at all sore or achy, and I have been pushing myself hard each class.  I have only experienced some cramping in my right calf.  All of this personal feedback from my body makes me feel great!


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