Are You Willing to Take a Different Route?

Saturday, November 17th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Are you willing to take a different route?"  During the meditation, my inner self answered back by saying, "Sure!"  This is the second time I have had back and forth with Somoya.

I feel this message from Somoya pertains to moving forward from my current position.  I need to be open and flex with my path of getting from A to B with my next job change.  I was doing mazes with my son last evening.  I was stating how I find the mazes more challenging to complete.  My son does them with such ease.

With mazes, it is never a direct straight path from A to B.  You have to be flexible and be willing to move in all different directions, take different paths, even if it doesn't make sense at the time.  This method seems not to make since and seems backwards in order to reach the end goal.   In addition, and more importantly, you have to be willing to see the big picture from the beginning, instead of having a narrow perspective.  The narrow lens may seem clear and free of obstructions, but almost always leads to a dead end.  It is much more difficult to see, maintain, and follow the big picture, but it leads to happiness and freedom in the end.  Just like completing a complicated maze, the same can be said about life!


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