
Showing posts from June, 2019

Marvel over your own trivia and Insights

Sunday, June 30th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard and internal voice say, "Marvel over your own trivia and insights." My interpretation of Somoya's message today is that I should be proud of all of my personal life accomplishments/facts about Marty's life (trivia) thus far.  I need to be amazed how my six sense is so strong and communicates well with the Spiritual World.  I need to stop down playing, minimizing, and taking my energetic gift for granted.  It is one of my strong passions.  I need to celebrate it!  I need to enjoy it from moment to moment daily!


Saturday, June 29th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Antisocial." I personally have had and current have people who I would define as living with the traits of being antisocial.  Google defines it as the following:  An individual who manipulates, exploits, and violates the rights of others without any remorse.  Over the years, often I have been abused by this person's behavior as they try to get their personal wants met.  I am finally learning to set firm limits and minimize engagement with this type of individual, in order to create my power and happiness.

Back then, things were much Simpler

Friday, June 28th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Back then, things were much simpler."  While hearing this, I had a visual of my old cycling coach Eugene "Zeke" Zeitler showing me a simple address: 3000.  It was not my childhood address, but the numbers were obviously simple to remember for an address. Seeing my old coach, made me happy.  I have tried to locate him for years, but haven't had any success.  Outside of the daily family drama and trauma of living in a big family with tons of relatives, my overall childhood was simple with being the youngest of 7 children.  As long as I was well behaved and stayed out of trouble, I got what I wanted and my needs for the most part were met.  I just focused on getting perfect grades in school (in spite of living with learning challenges) and staying busy with daily workouts with competitive cycling.  ...

All are against You

Thursday, June 27th During morning meditation. I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "All are against you." My gut feeling, due today being a team meeting, my peers could turn on me on a dime.  This has happened to me multiple times in the past.  It doesn't matter whether I am super nice and lack boundaries or nice and maintain firm boundaries.  Nothing changes their behavior.  Best to remain nice, set my limits, and be ready to go to battle to protect my honor and credibility.   The good thing is management is wise enough to assess each negative comment and situation.  They take what my peers say with a grain of salt. Unfortunately, management does fosters competition amongst the peers.  With over ten years of employment, management and case management continue to speak highly of me to others. As a result, my peers are often trying to take me down.

Did you touch a ghost Pepper?

Wednesday, June 26th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Did you touch a ghost pepper?" Yesterday, I was trying to communicate via email with another team to support a client around obtaining housing.  One of the team member's behavior was so reactive and defensive.  He included his supervisor and team member in the conversation and shouted at me in caps.  In addition he attacked myself and my team members by stating we are not open to working with their team in serving individuals who need housing.  I responded in the email that I would let the Social Worker who is offering services to mutual client respond to his email, since I wasn't having success at communicating her needs without offending this team member.  The Social Worker never responded to the email.  Two days later, she did tell me in person she was too busy to do so.  She stated she wou...

No time to Meditate

Falter (Contains Update)

Monday, June 24th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, “Falter.” I Googled the word.  It means to lose strength or momentum.  I was surprised to hear this message from Somoya, cause the prior week was so much fun due to me being flexible, relaxing, and adventurous!  I am only left to think this will be somehow tied into work.  I will just need to remain grounded and aware. 6/26/19: Update: I came back to work with one of my co-workers trying to make me look bad in ORCA notes, but she failed.  I had covered my tail in a prior “coverage” email.  In addition, she stated she was expecting me to look and feel exhausted with having to do a road trip from Seattle to Atlanta.  Her comment was not at all nice or supportive.  It was as if she was hoping I would be struggling.  Sick behavior. In addition, I had another co-worker over react due to an em...

Leaving me hanging out to Dry

Sunday, June 23rd During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Leaving me hanging out to dry.” Since we were told flat out we weren’t getting a bank loan, mostly due to not having enough for an additional two months for house payments, after down payment and closings fees ( another two grand), it made since to re-freeze my three credit reports. I made re-freezing my credit reports my top priority for Sunday.  Somoya totally had my back!  It ended up that when I went to re-freeze my Equifax, I discovered they NEVER froze it, when they had told me they had.  Therefore, Equifax has been “leaving me hanging out to dry!”  They haven’t been protecting me from potential fraud, as they claimed they would do.  Ironically, they were the ones who had the HUGE breach in 2017.

You just Try

Saturday, June 22nd During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know.  I then heard an internal voice say, “You just try.” This is the process of how one gets good at anything they do in life. Today we are trying for the first time going through the process of getting a home loan.  Just thinking about it won’t get us anywhere, which is true with anything in life.

Wait for father to son Talk

Friday, June 21st During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Wait for father to son talk." Our son Mason turned 12 years old May 31st.  I have a tendency to force conversations and "check-ins".  I have made a couple of attempts to talk about puberty using a book from a class we took together last year.  Mason stated last time he wanted to engage with the book another time, after we spent about 10-15 minutes reading.  I need to let go of my anxieties and trust he will feel comfortable to come to me with questions. Mason does best with genuinely engaging and asking questions when we go for bike rides together.  I am going to make more of an effort this summer to make as many bike ride opportunities manifest.  I will just make myself readily available and wait for him to ask questions, just as Somoya has guided me to do so.

If anxious, mess Up (Contains Update)

Thursday, June 20th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "If anxious, mess up."   Today I am flying back alone from Atlanta to Seattle.  I have very little flying experience.  It is very sporadic over the past 25 years.  Therefore, I don't feel confident about logistics and navigating the airport to get home.   I was fortunate that Somoya sent me this message the morning of departure.  I know that if I just focus on breath and ask others for assistance, I will safely be guided home without a hitch.  Whenever I get too anxious and over think, I make lots of mistakes and end up frustrated and/or angry.  Update: 6/21/19 Thanks to Somoya, I made the conscious effort to breathe and stay calm the whole day.  As a result, I was relaxed and made no mistakes taking Uber, navigating the Atlanta and Seattle airports, light rail, and busi...

He is one of those people who won't judge on anyone's Opinion

Wednesday, June 19th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "He is one of those people who won't judge on anyone's opinion." My friend Steven and I just drove from Seattle to Atlanta.  He and his wife bought a new home.  In the three and half days we spent together, I have come away with believing exactly what Somoya has stated: "He is one of those people who won't judge on anyone's opinion."  Steven is someone who is easy going, funny, and fun to be around.  He is willing to listen to another person's struggles, without casting judgment.  Steven is good at validating and doesn't gossip.  He is trustworthy and follows through with what he promises.  Steven is the kind of guy who anyone would be blessed to have in their life.  I feel fortunate to have him as a friend.


Tuesday, June 18th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  Then I heard an internal voice say, “Patience.” Today is the last leg of our journey from Seattle to Atlanta.  There is going to be construction and traffic in the last three hundred miles off and on.  Knowing ahead of time that I need to be patient, will just help me let go and have no expectations about arrival time.  Ever since I was a child, I have struggled with being patient.

“No” For bad weather. “Catastrophe”

Monday, June 16th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “No.”. When I asked Somoya if the weather was going to be bad today.  Then I heard, “Catastrophe.”  We were told yesterday by a waitress in Ohio that there was major flooding recently in the Midwest.  She warned us that there will be lots of detours.   Update: 6/16/19

No time to Meditate. Road Trip: 6/1619

Keep your shield Up

Saturday, June 15th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  Then I heard an internal voice say, “Keep your shield up.”  I feel this pertains to protecting my physical and mental health.  I have a road trip coming up.  I am assisting a friend with moving from Canada to Atlanta.  The most important piece to making this trip successful for me, is getting enough sleep each night.  In addition, my throat is hurting again like last June.  Might be allergies. I am going to give it some time, before going to the doctor.  Last June the pain went away after several weeks. Update:  6/20/19 Steve and I overall had a great road trip!  Steve drove it in 3.5 days.  We only had one crappy nights sleep.  Overall, I feel good.   I am flying back to Seattle today.  This will give me three days to recover and get back on track before going back to work.

Flowers. Oh, I love it! Knocked up Twice

Friday, June 14th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Flowers.  Oh, I love it!  Knocked up twice.”  Visual of Kels opening up curtains.  Sunny outside.   I want to give Kels Pike Place flowers for our summer anniversary!  My interpretation of knocked up twice, is Kels and I soon getting a dog!  Kels talks about getting a dog like having a baby!

Because you already have plenty to Do

Thursday, June 13th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Because you already have plenty to do.”  My guess is to stick to limit setting, while be kind yet firm.

I can empower each one of You

Wednesday, June 12th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  Then I heard an internal voice say, “I can empower each one of you.” I went to the Program Oversight meeting yesterday with management and upper management.  This meeting happens once per month.  The purpose is to maximize and improve support groups on the psych units.  The only reason I am allowed in these meetings, is because I developed a successful form of cognitive behavioral therapy, which now rivals CBT, DBT, DBT P, and WRAP, which are all evidence based. I am being asked by an LA consultant to be open to making OPA evidence based.  I am open and willing to collaborate with the hospital/university.  I get the impression from management that if OPA doesn’t go evidence based, it will eventually need to be removed from the units.  It would be a win win, if OPA For Mental Health could become EB.  I could more easily prolifer...

Daily insights from past Week

Tuesday, May 28th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Durable skinned.” during AM meditation. Today I spoke with Patty Marshal with the State.  It will not be a direct path in order to get paid for putting on trainings for Peer Specialists from other agencies.  The state does not have a record of me presenting and being paid by WSU.  I was advised to send a resume and cover letter soon, if I want to be considered for 2020.  Also, advised to engage and teach others in community more in 2019, in order to get my name and product out.  It has been many years since I have presented in the community. Wednesday, May 29th During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Increase loyalty. (Business)”  during AM meditation. I then Googled Top 5 things to do to reta...

Daily insights from past Week

Tuesday, May 21st During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Not enough chairs." Wednesday, May 22nd Didn't have a chance to meditate. Thursday, May 23rd During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard and internal voice say, "What are your current level plans?"  Thinking this pertains to OPA  EB any Kels and I eventually buying a small home that we can afford and also be a nest egg. Friday, May 24th During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard and internal voice say, "Soul.  He wants to be oppositional."  I know this is referring to our son Mason.  Sure enough, he was in a passive aggressive way.  Just this week, I decided I am always going to set limits with all those in my workplace, personal life, and with those I meet ...