Marvel over your own trivia and Insights
Sunday, June 30th
During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard and internal voice say, "Marvel over your own trivia and insights."
My interpretation of Somoya's message today is that I should be proud of all of my personal life accomplishments/facts about Marty's life (trivia) thus far. I need to be amazed how my six sense is so strong and communicates well with the Spiritual World. I need to stop down playing, minimizing, and taking my energetic gift for granted. It is one of my strong passions. I need to celebrate it! I need to enjoy it from moment to moment daily!
During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard and internal voice say, "Marvel over your own trivia and insights."
My interpretation of Somoya's message today is that I should be proud of all of my personal life accomplishments/facts about Marty's life (trivia) thus far. I need to be amazed how my six sense is so strong and communicates well with the Spiritual World. I need to stop down playing, minimizing, and taking my energetic gift for granted. It is one of my strong passions. I need to celebrate it! I need to enjoy it from moment to moment daily!
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