If anxious, mess Up (Contains Update)
Thursday, June 20th
During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, "If anxious, mess up."
Today I am flying back alone from Atlanta to Seattle. I have very little flying experience. It is very sporadic over the past 25 years. Therefore, I don't feel confident about logistics and navigating the airport to get home.
I was fortunate that Somoya sent me this message the morning of departure. I know that if I just focus on breath and ask others for assistance, I will safely be guided home without a hitch. Whenever I get too anxious and over think, I make lots of mistakes and end up frustrated and/or angry.
Update: 6/21/19
Thanks to Somoya, I made the conscious effort to breathe and stay calm the whole day. As a result, I was relaxed and made no mistakes taking Uber, navigating the Atlanta and Seattle airports, light rail, and busing home. I asked several people at the airport for assistance, trusted my gut, and allowed plenty of time to get from place to place.
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