Wait for father to son Talk

Friday, June 21st

During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Wait for father to son talk."

Our son Mason turned 12 years old May 31st.  I have a tendency to force conversations and "check-ins".  I have made a couple of attempts to talk about puberty using a book from a class we took together last year.  Mason stated last time he wanted to engage with the book another time, after we spent about 10-15 minutes reading.  I need to let go of my anxieties and trust he will feel comfortable to come to me with questions.

Mason does best with genuinely engaging and asking questions when we go for bike rides together.  I am going to make more of an effort this summer to make as many bike ride opportunities manifest.  I will just make myself readily available and wait for him to ask questions, just as Somoya has guided me to do so.


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