Keep your shield Up

Saturday, June 15th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  Then I heard an internal voice say, “Keep your shield up.”  I feel this pertains to protecting my physical and mental health.  I have a road trip coming up.  I am assisting a friend with moving from Canada to Atlanta.  The most important piece to making this trip successful for me, is getting enough sleep each night.  In addition, my throat is hurting again like last June.  Might be allergies. I am going to give it some time, before going to the doctor.  Last June the pain went away after several weeks.

Update:  6/20/19

Steve and I overall had a great road trip!  Steve drove it in 3.5 days.  We only had one crappy nights sleep.  Overall, I feel good.   I am flying back to Seattle today.  This will give me three days to recover and get back on track before going back to work.


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