Leaving me hanging out to Dry

Sunday, June 23rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Leaving me hanging out to dry.”

Since we were told flat out we weren’t getting a bank loan, mostly due to not having enough for an additional two months for house payments, after down payment and closings fees ( another two grand), it made since to re-freeze my three credit reports.

I made re-freezing my credit reports my top priority for Sunday.  Somoya totally had my back!  It ended up that when I went to re-freeze my Equifax, I discovered they NEVER froze it, when they had told me they had.  Therefore, Equifax has been “leaving me hanging out to dry!”  They haven’t been protecting me from potential fraud, as they claimed they would do.  Ironically, they were the ones who had the HUGE breach in 2017.


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