Falter (Contains Update)

Monday, June 24th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.
I then heard an internal voice say, “Falter.”

I Googled the word.  It means to lose strength or momentum.  I was surprised to hear this message from Somoya, cause the prior week was so much fun due to me being flexible, relaxing, and adventurous!  I am only left to think this will be somehow tied into work.  I will just need to remain grounded and aware.

6/26/19: Update:

I came back to work with one of my co-workers trying to make me look bad in ORCA notes, but she failed.  I had covered my tail in a prior “coverage” email.  In addition, she stated she was expecting me to look and feel exhausted with having to do a road trip from Seattle to Atlanta.  Her comment was not at all nice or supportive.  It was as if she was hoping I would be struggling.  Sick behavior.
In addition, I had another co-worker over react due to an email I sent.  He was so defensive and angry.  The last two days have been emotionally exhausting to deal with these two personality types and getting back to the daily grind of work.


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