"Jillian. Are you up for chatting?" 2/7/21

 During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I heard, "Jillian.  Are you up for chatting?"  A week ago I let my friend know that the Washington State had dissolved the business, due to lack of activity for a few years.  I gave it a good shot.  I tried for seven years.  Business isn't my strength.  Sharing information for free is more my style.  It speaks to me.  I learned this from a former doctor that I had years ago.  I feel not having a business anymore could possibly affect our friendship.  Only time was spent not money.  Most of the time we conversed about our lives and dealing with COVID.  She stated she was having an off day and forgot that we were conversing today.  Time will tell...I have learned not to force and just be patient with others.  Everyone processes information at a different rate.


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