"All or Nothing" 2/1/21

During morning meditation while visualizing myself suiting up I heard, "All or nothing."  While riding during the winter, I have come to realize that I am an "all or nothing" type of personality.  For me to be successful at anything, I have to be all in, not half committed, or fair weather.  For example, my relationships with friends, marriage, my son, career, sharing and teaching OPA For Mental Health and now being a daily commuter by bike.  I definitely could not be successful at riding my bike and staying in shape if I just road when I wanted to or when the weather was appealing.  I am finally feeling great physically, cause I do it every workday.  Skipping a day is not an option, unless snow and ice is on the roads.  Then I will either walk to work or ride the bus.  Either way I will still end up getting some form of exercise until I can ride again.  


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