"You have to be a Blocker". 1/4/21

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard, "You have to be a blocker."  Yesterday my wife received traumatic news about a loved one.  Emotionally she is vulnerable at the moment.  I want to have my wife's back, like how she always has mine.  I encouraged her to take a day off from work.  I was so glad she did and was able to do self-care.  In addition, last evening, I requested that my son be kind and gentle towards Kels.  to be mindful of his behavior this week and to give her plenty of space to be quiet and process her feelings.  My wife informed me this evening that she was able to take a nice long and relaxing bath for two hours.  Also, she stated our son did a good job of being supportive by checking in and offering support during the day. 


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