"You have the Talent. Don't let it go out the Window." 1/2/21

During my morning meditation, when I arrived at the Gazebo, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I heard, "You have the talent.  Don't let it go out the window."  At first I wasn't sure what this meant.  Since November of 2009, I have been feeding primarily one talent: Empowering myself and others with learning how to use OPA For Mental Health, LLC to manage stress, create and manage daily structure, set and achieve goals and get needs met with providers, other medical professionals and loved ones.  In addition, off and on over many many years, I give Reiki to myself, loved ones, animals and other people in need.  I truly have a passion for both OPA and Reiki.  

Late this December and the beginning of 2021, two old passions have resurrected during my 19 days of winter vacation: Common place photography and daily blogging.  The past week or so, I have been getting back to photography.  I have been combining it with another passion that COVID-19 evoked: cycling.  I have road to work every single day of 2020, since March 21st.  This coming March, I will have ridden close to 5,000 miles to work and back home.  During my vacation I have been going for 20-30 mile rides and taking pictures of images and nature that I find beautiful.  It has been a lot of fun downloading and creating slideshows of what I have captured on my Nikon camera.  I throughly enjoy receiving the positive feedback and seeing the smiles on the faces of my wife Kels and son Mason.  I am surprised how certain images create intense feelings of emotion within side all of us.  What I appreciate most, is how photography stops the chatter in my mind.  I am one with the moment that I am capturing on camera.  I strickly focus outside of me.  I get to breathe.  It sets me free...

There is irony with the start of the daily blogging.  I received an email on January 1st.  It was a bill from GoDaddy.  They had charged my credit card for another year to keep my website up and active.  At first I felt anxious and frustrated by the large fee.  I checked in with my wife Kels to get her thoughts.  I asked if worth the expense to keep the website active.  She is so smart.  She immediately asked what I thought.  I quickly was able to answer my own question.  It dawned on me that I do really enjoy the daily entries.  It is another way for me to process, organize my thoughts and better understand the messages I hear via meditation each day.  My wife appreciates reading about my unique take aways.  Others may benefit knowing that some of the things I share, can possibly validate and normalize what they too are going through on their own personal journey.  



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