"Sex. Phone and literature." 1/25/21

During morning meditation I heard, "Sex. Phone and literature."  Last Friday, I came down with a sore throat and muscle aches in the afternoon.  I then had myself tested for COVID on Saturday.  Fortunately, I tested negative.  I continued to feel under the weather for the rest of the weekend.  Therefore, my wife and I didn't get to be close to one another.  Today, I finally felt myself.  I initiated that we share in a hot bath when I got home from work.  I offered my love massage and we had the opportunity to be close.  I always love every moment that I get to be close, give and receive back from her.  It is so much fun and nature with my love.  

At work, during my lunch break, I read an article about the Packer's loss to the Buccaneers.  That was my "phone and literature" for the day.


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