"I Have Solutions, if you are looking for Them." 1/17/21

This morning during the beginning of my meditation I heard, "I have solutions, if you are looking for them."  This brought me much comfort.  I totally agree.  My Spirit Guides Somoya and Jenja often offer me solutions to my problems.  I just need to be humble enough to ask for support/guidance.  Often times I can be so stubborn.  I try to deal with all my problems in my head and come up with solutions on my own.  Many times my outcomes are not effective, due to my solutions being tied into personal hurt feelings and ego.  I need to trust and let go more.  I need to let the Spirit Guides do their jobs.  Life is hard enough just being in it, why make life harder for myself?  I am open to all the support the Spirit Guides can offer!  I feel incredibly blessed to have the ability to communicate with my Spirit Guides. 


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