"I can do Anything I want to Do." 1/23/21

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirt Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard, "I can do anything I want to do." 

After hearing Somoya's message, I had to pause.  Yesterday, my wife Kels had stated that we are the only ones getting in the way of ourselves.  This statement is so true!  My low self-esteem due to learning challenges since childhood had generated a lot of negative thinking on my part over the years.  I am finally breaking through!  I am OK with no letters after my name.  I finally feel secure.  I know who I am and I am proud of my successes, even if it didn't materialize in financial wealth.  I have been so caught up on success only being defined as making a lot of money and having a lot of nice things.  Like most people, our past and environment can heavily color our perspective on what success is in life.  I am really thrilled to have all my needs met.  Such a blessing.  I am so grateful each day.  I often get my wants met too.  I do positive self talk, visualizing, meditating and saying what I need and want out loud daily.  Therefore, I can do anything I want to do!  Truly, mind over matter.  As they say, life is an illusion.  


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