"Good to see your addressing your feelings in the right environment." 1/11/21

 During the beginning of my meditation, I heard, "Good to see your addressing your feelings in the right environment."  I thought at first this might pertain to my wife.  She recently experienced some major trauma.  She is having an opportunity to meet with a good friend this Tuesday.  Her friend, my co-worker, has her MSW.  I figured she would have the skills to be very supportive when Kels discloses her sad and hurt feelings.  This may be the case, but today this message was addressing my Monday morning at work.  

When going through emails, I saw that the same co-worker I mentioned above thoughtlessly sent out an email that made feel hurt and upset.  It was not her intention, but she was careless in how she sent to email.  She accidentally included my supervisor, a case manager and a nurse.  My colleague vented about upper management and mentioned my name.  She has hurt feelings about our new director, but my hurt feelings pertained to the previous director that retired recently.  Months ago she and I had had conversation about this in private.  Due to the email being sent, I then had to call my supervisor and explain why my co-worker included my name.  He completely understood and felt it was unprofessional for her to send the email and include my name.  He took quick action and emailed upper management to explain these were not my feelings about current management.  In addition, I reached out to the new director and explained myself.   She appreciated my honesty and said she wished more employees were like me.   The director said she would address the issue with the individual who sent the email.  My feelings are hurt by my friends careless actions.  I work really hard to be professional in the workplace.  I have always taken pride in maintaining my credibility.  I didn't want my co-worker's carelessness and her own personal feelings to tarnish my 12 years of work.  Although feeling incredibly hurt and upset, I showed great restraint by not emailing or attacking my co-worker who sent the email.  I did a good job of addressing my feelings and venting with my supervisor and my director.  This was the right environment, rather than reacting and getting more co-workers involved.  I am hoping at some point that my co-worker will apologize for including my name in her email.     


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