Daily Intention 1/9/21

After waking up, I wrote down my daily intention:  

I am full of grace, kindness and peace towards myself and others today.  I am calm and centered using breath and OPA.  I am having fun today with Kels!  I am having a relaxing and long day.  I feel filled up.  I am open to Reiki.  Money comes effortlessly.  All my needs are being met.

Result:  100% Everything manifested!  The day was nice and very productive.  Kels and I had fun together and the evening was relaxing and long.  Kels was kind enough to buy us some treats today, which was unexpected.  I was mindful to be very kind to the DOL customer services lady.  I could tell she appreciated it, because it appeared the person before me was not as kind.  I was mindful of my emotions when driving and was in no rush to get anywhere.  I left myself plenty of time to get from place to place.  I did a good job of taking care of my needs.  This resulted in me feeling filled up.  


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