Daily Intention 1/7/21

After waking up, I wrote down my daily intention:

I am full of grace, kindness and peace today.  I am calm and centered sing breath and OPA.  I am running fun and effective OPA groups today.  I am getting some exits done today.  I am surrounded by supportive people.  I am having a warm, safe and fun ride to work and home.  I am having fun with Mason and Kels this evening!  Money comes effortlessly today!  I am open to offering Reiki today. 

Result: 70% I had to work really hard at having grace, showing kindness and being peaceful.  I was either seeing or having negative people show up in my space.  I either had to walk away or they had to.  I had to keep saying in my head to have grace, be kind and peaceful and really feel it.  This did help squelch my negative thoughts about others.  If I didn't intentionally say these words internally,  negative thoughts would quickly bloom and fill my cranium all day long and into the evening.  

I am finding that by being intentional and mindful daily about being full of grace, kindness and peace is having a profound affect.  I am overall happier and not reacting to the negative energy around me on a daily basis.  I am not coming home often upset and venting on my wife.  As a result, I truly am keeping my happiness and power.  I can't stop negative energy from existing and/or keep people from being mean.  I can meet it (meanness) head on with understanding, compassion, love and peace or not engage with it at all.  It is a win win.   Knowledge is power.  Acting, rather than reacting, leads to true happiness! 

I only ran one OPA group today.  I wasn't feeling well after receive the COVID-19 vaccine this morning.  I had my first dose today.  It was followed with sore deltoid, dizziness, headache and fatigue.  Later in the evening I felt fine.  The one OPA group I did run went really well.  Their was three people and two were able to engage by completing the worksheet.  They both seemed genuinely appreciative of the assistance and having another tool to help manage their stress and empower them during their recovery process.

My ride to work was good, but I found myself thinking too much on the ride home.  I did have a safe and warm ride both ways.  This week has been intense with all that is happening: close friend's tragedy, COVID, US politics and riots at the Capital.  As far as our country goes, I am hoping we as a nation can someday heal and true justice will prevail.

I made progress on my exits at work, but didn't finish them.

I did have a pleasant and quiet evening with both Mason and my love.  

Our stimulus checks didn't show up in our account.  Bummer. 

Will try to offer myself some Reiki as I fall asleep this evening.  I am offering a paid Reiki session tomorrow.  



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