Daily Intention 1/5/21

 When I woke up I wrote the following intention:

I am having grace, kindness and peace for myself and others today.  I am calm and centered throughout the day using breath and OPA.  I am having a safe, warm and fun ride to work and home on my bike.  I am making money effortlessly today!  I am having fun with Mason and Kels this evening!  I am having opportunities to offer/give Reiki today.  I am healthy mentally, spiritually and physically today.  

Result: 100% Everything manifested.  It was a challenging day.  My supervisor was incorrect.  I ended up having a four hour training today AND tomorrow.  The great news, getting a break from doing intakes and working directly with clients.  I discovered the error thirty minutes before the training.  I had to be calm and centered in order to take quick action.  I was able to pull it off.  I showed up for the zoom training on time!  I internally said to myself to having grace, be kind and peaceful several times, so I wouldn't react negatively towards management.  I found the training difficult to do via zoom.  It confirmed I learn best in person one on on.  I need modeling, coaching and being able to practice till I feel confident.  I need LOTS of repetition.  I also need the opportunity to take notes, if needed, to write down steps.  Although, I didn't think negatively about myself while doing the training.  I radically accepted how I learn this time around.  The first zoom training I was very emotionally upset and hard on myself due to the teaching style.  Before this training, I asked if my supervisor could share his notes and offer me assistance when needed.  He said, "No problem!"  It has always been embarrassing for me to ask for assistance with technology...up until now.  I realize I don't need to feel shame anymore to ask for help and assistance when needed.  This was learned behavior when growing up.  I felt I was expected to "figure it out" and "use my noggin" as my dad often would say.  I was super happy catching not one but two road bikes with my hybrid sleeper during my commute today!  I love chasing and instigagting chase on bikes.  Super fun!  Connects me to my teenage years of competitive cycling for four years.  I had additional fun this evening watching a movie with Mason and Kels.  Then Kels and I made vegan chocolate chip cookies.  The simple and fun moments in life lead to emotional healing.  We definitely need these moments and more after experiencing a traumatic gut wrenching weekend as a family.


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