Daily Intention 1/4/21

Daily Intention that I wrote this morning after waking:

I am practicing grace, kindness and peace for myself and others today.  I am calm and centered using breath and OPA.  I am having a safe, warm and fun ride to work and home.  I am being patient and gentle with myself at work coming off vacation.  I am acting rather than reacting.   I am having fun with Mason and Kels this evening!  Money comes effortlessly!  I am doing Reiki. 

Result: 100%.  Everything manifested!  Today I signed Kronos and was paid for two and a half weeks off.  Easy money!!  I sent Reiki-love and light to Kels, Mason and all those affected by the terrible tragedy that occurred recently that affected our very close friends, which treats us all as family.  I was able to gracious, kind and at peace throughout the day.  I managed my day extremely well, in spite of having to catch up on being gone for so long.  I acted and didn't act to others overwhelming stressors.  That included a case manager who reached out to me for support regarding a client I use to offer support to.  I had fun moments and laughs with both Mason and Kels this evening.


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