Daily Intention. 1/11/21

After waking, I wrote down my daily intention:

I am full of grace, kindness and peace towards myself and others today.  I am calm and centered using breath and OPA.  I am having a fun, safe and warm ride to work and home.  I am getting all caught up with my work today.  I am running a successful and productive OPA group today.  I am having fun with Kels this evening!  I am having a long day and feeling filled up.  Money comes effortlessly today!  I am open to doing or receiving Reiki today.  

Result: 80% Today started off rough!  A friend/co-worker carelessly sent out an email venting her feelings about upper management while including my name.  She had accidentally cc'd my supervisor, a case manager and a nurse.  I was hurt, mad and embarrassed to say the least.  I am very proud in how I handled the situation.  My old self would of immediately reacted and lashed out at the person who sent the email.  I took a deep breath.  I immediately took action by calling my supervisor and the director and explaining my side of the story.  They appreciated my honestly and understood that my feelings did not pertain to current management.  They said they would address the person who sent the email.  I was given the opportunity by the director to respond to the co-worker via email, but I declined.  I felt I had no need to further explain myself and especially in writing.  Both my supervisor and my director stated they did not hold it against me what my co-worker had said.  Me not attacking my co-worker via email or getting other co-workers involved, showed major growth on my part.  The reason I put myself at 80%, is because I had negative feelings about my co-worker off and on throughout the day and evening.  Feeling hurt is a HUGE TRIGGER generated from my childhood.   I am getting better at identifying when it happens and reacting more appropriately in the moment.  My old self would of quickly dumped the friendship due to todays incident...up until now.  

Some good news!  After I wrote my intention this morning, I received an email on my phone stating my work deposit had come through at BECU.  That was a great way to start the day.  My OPA group was very engaging and successful.  I had five members and all were open to learning.  

My day ended rough.  On my commute home, I received ANOTHER flat on my bike.  I have had at least 6 flats in the last few months.  This is the first one on my new bike.  A huge construction staple pierced and was stuck in my new tire.  My pump was broken for shader valve set up.  I had to use a old presta tube that didn't fit very well.  I had no other choice.  I was cold and wet.  Took me twenty to thirty minutes to get myself up and running again.  Fortunately I made it home safely.  My wife was kind to send me Reiki and keep me in her thoughts during this incident.  


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