Daily Intention 1/10/21

 After waking, I wrote my daily intention:

I am full of grace, kindness and peace towards myself and others today.  I am cal and centered using breath and OPA.  I am having fun with Kels!  I am getting things done that need to get done.  I am having a long day.  I feel filled up! Money comes effortlessly!  I am open to Reiki, either receiving or giving.

Result: 90% No money came to me today, but everything else manifested!  I gave myself Reiki this morning after waking.  This knocked me out for another hour.  I was in a good mood for the day.  I had a nice conversation over the phone with a good long time friend.  Her name is Jillian.  I had a deep and philosophical talk with my wife Kels.  We both found it enjoyable.  I really love these kinds of talks that make you think and appreciate life itself and one another.  I was able to get some long overdue things done-addressing the copyright and verbiage update on my OPA For Mental Health, LLC manual.  I was also able to respond to some emails and send off copies of the OPA manual.  In addition, I am getting prepared to run some OPA Zoom support groups for Community Live on Fridays.  I am really excited to partake in my community and be of support outside the hospital.  I have been wanting to reach and support a larger audience for a very long time.  in addition, I am enjoying meeting new people with similar passions and interests.  Everyone's goal is to support those living with mental health and/or co-occurring challenges.  We want people to thrive and move forward in recovery.  We want to offer hope!  


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