"Celebrate! A Huge Basket!" 1/22/21

During morning meditation, I asked my spirit guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard, "Celebrate!  A huge basket!"  

From my life experience, I have seen people sometimes receive a basket with lots of great little gifts inside!  I love this concept of giving and receiving a bunch of little gifts that you like.  I have always secretly wanted to receive a basket of gifts.  I see it as fun and exciting like a Christmas stocking.  

Today, metaphorically, I received a huge basket of gifts!  I made the point to be cognizant and celebrate with my son and wife throughout the day all my gifts from the Universe.  The day started off with me receiving $45.00 to offer Reiki long distance to an ongoing customer.  This dog named Perrita is so sweet and well deserving.  The owner is planning to continue to pay for ongoing sessions, which is another gift in itself.  I am so grateful to be paid to do work that I love to do.  I love offering Reiki, while engaging with my Spirit Guides.  They assist by communicating answers to my questions.   I ask questions for  myself and others.  

Later in the day, I had an amazing OPA For Mental Health Zoom support group via Community Connections!  Two participants attended.  Both went from being stressed and overwhelmed to being energized, happy and empowered within 45 minutes!  So rewarding to teach and empower others.  Another one of my gifts-teaching others skills.  Another gift of mine has been successfully creating an effective cognitive method/tool to support and empower people in their recovery process.   My departed mother would say my true gift is being a naturally supportive counselor.  This has been a skill I have had to really refine over the years.  I use to try so hard to fix and change others.  Now I do my best to profoundly listen, understand, have empathy, show compassion and guide.  Taking this implosive approach (least path of resistance) is serving me and others well.  

I really appreciate that Somoya reminded me today to celebrate all the gifts that the Universe has bestowed upon me.  I am confident there are more that I haven't discovered and "unwrapped".  I just need to open my eyes, be grateful, accept and put into practice!


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