Make a Demotion

Monday, July 1st

During morning meditation, I asked my Spiritual Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard and internal voice say, "Make a demotion."

I feel this could pertain to my wanting to partner with my friend Eric to put on paid presentations and deciding if this is the right direction to go.   From the beginning, he hasn't seemed very interested.  I feel he is engaging out of kindness and just trying to be supportive.  He seems doubtful that the presentations will be a success without the cognitive method having some data to support its effectiveness.  Each time we meet, his energy is low.  He has a lot on his plate.  We don't really make anything manifest on paper.  There is just quite a bit of talking.  Once, I mentioned that a few people in our workplace have interest in assisting me in collecting the data on inpatient, Eric stated to resume working on the presentation thereafter.

I feel put off.  I do realize I am the one who is seeking him out.  I have been honest that I am wanting to use his credentials to make the cognitive process I developed more attractive to agencies and the general public.  I plan to be fair with financial compensation for his time.

I am also aware that this entire year he has been very busy with his own personal life (selling and buying another home and caring for his mother-in-law) and work life (starting a new position).

My major red flags:  Feel this is more my want/need to partner and do paid presentations.  He doesn't need this opportunity/money.  He focuses his energy strictly on family and work. Consistently doesn't text back for long periods of times, sometimes longer than a week or so.  I would struggle working with someone who it not quick to my texts in order to make future gigs manifest.

I shared my concerns with my wife Kels last night, after hearing this message from Somoya.  Kels stated she wasn't aware I was having these feelings/challenges with Eric, but would understand how lack of communication in a business partnership would "sink the ship", so to speak.  The good thing that came out of this message from Somoya was I realized I need to have a frank conversation with my friend Eric.  Allow him to freely voice his feelings and freely choose whether or not to partner with me in the future.  Again, he is having a challenging year.  The other good news, is if doesn't show much interest in the future of OPA, I have had other professionals state they would be more than happy to partner up.  For now, I am sticking with Eric until we have time to talk.


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