They Reached out to You (Contains Update)

Sunday, May 5th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "They reached out to you."

Yesterday, as I mentioned in my last entry, I reached out to three people in hopes of getting opportunities to get paid to present/teach OPA For Mental Health, LLC to agencies, hospitals, and/or Peer Specialists via the State of Washington.  I am quickly getting over my fear of rejection.  I am allowing myself to be vulnerable enough to fail, in order to succeed!  One can't happen without the other.  It is just like you wouldn't recognize good, unless there was bad behavior in the world.  That is what makes us want to choose to do the difficult work to be good, otherwise we would make no effort at all.  Same goes for business.  If everything came easy, one wouldn't need to do business.  There wouldn't be any incentives to make your business grow.

It is challenges in life that cause us to choose whether or not to grow.  The best part is we get that choice every moment of every day to do the work or not.  I rather do the work and fail, then not do the work and fail.  Because when you do the hard work and fail, you still win.  Each failure is a learning opportunity!  True failure is not trying, due to paralyzing fear and/or repeating the same mistakes over and over.  I look forward to some of my current and future contacts reaching back at some point to strike a deal!  Thank you Somoya for this encouraging message.

5/7/19:  Update:

Today I heard back from Mary Jadwisiak!  I had reached out to her via email this past Saturday regarding work opportunities.  She is well known in the State of Washington and around the country for assisting people with their mental health recovery process.  For over twenty years she has given presentations, talks, and put on workshops.  Now she is contracted with the State of Washington and manages the CEs the state chooses to offer each year.  In her response, she connected me to Pattie Marshall who determines which CEs are to be offered.  I am so grateful to the Universe for having Mary respond back so quickly and offer me a contact.  I took a risk, put out what I wanted, and I received a contact.  This is a great first step towards my 2020 goal:  having the opportunity to offer CEs to Peer Specialists and other health care professionals via multiple trainings.  My next step is to reach out to Pattie Marshal to initiate conversation.  In addition, I spoke further with a former co-worker who moved to Maine.  He stated he believes in my development and loves it.  He plans to pitch it to management where he works.  He hopes that sometime soon a paid arrangement could be set up for me to offer my training via Skype for the non-profit organization where he works.


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