Stand Easily Standing

Friday, May 3rd

During afternoon meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya ten times out loud:  "Please heal me."  Then I asked her, "How are you going to heal me today?" out loud ten times.  Next, I received a visual in black and white that lasted several seconds.  I observed a large male figure looking at me sitting on the floor with my back against the wall.  He then said, "Stand easily standing."  When I first stood up in the visual, I was still slouching to the right, not standing upright.  The large figure of a man then directed with the movement of his hands for me to stand up tall.  He moved both of his hands in the air back and forth in a twisting motion to show me how to stand up straight and tall.  I then stood up straight.

I feel emotionally exhausted and beat up from several traumatic events that occurred yesterday that was out of my control.  Somoya's visual and message made me realize she is absolutely right.  I need to stand tall again.  I need to get back on my feet.  Standing tall will help me overcome and move past the trauma.  I need to show that the trauma doesn't have a hold on me.  I am in control and I am strong, in spite of it all.

After receiving and processing the visual and message, I immediately felt better!  I thanked Somoya.  I got myself off the bed and stood tall.  I told myself out loud that I am OK.  I am moving forward with my day.  I am getting my happiness and power back by standing tall throughout the day and in the days to come.


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