Next Time You See it is Brutal
Saturday, May 4th
During morning meditation, I received two messages. I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then heard an internal voice say, "Next time you see is brutal."
I next heard, "You're stuck on the menu. All these choices."
I am not quite sure what the first message is about. My only logical guess is that it may pertain to a Netflix TV series or Hulu series my wife and I have been watching.
The second message from Somoya made a lot of since. It pertains to me struggling with moving forward with my consulting business while having a job. I think way to much about what steps to take next and how to make both my current job and business balance out.
Per history, I have been scared to just put it out there: network daily and send lots of emails and/or texts requesting for potential paid presentations and/or training opportunities. My fear that I created in the past was I wouldn't know how to manage multiple opportunities, if they all manifested at once, due to networking. My past fear has resulted in nothing manifesting for the past couple of years. I have made few efforts to reach out and request business opportunities.
After receiving Somoya's message, I am changing my perspective and taking action. Today I am willing to look at business differently. After watching a TED TALK on TV with my wife a couple weeks ago, I realized I need to be vulnerable enough to put myself out there daily, whether that means facing failure or being rewarded with successful outcomes in business. I have never had a problem being vulnerable with sharing my feelings. Me being vulnerable around potential a whole nother ball of wax. This is why I tend to be shy. I tend to only strike up a conversation with others, if it feels like a very safe situation. I then feel confident that they will most likely be nice back. This type of behavior on my part leads to few interactions with others throughout the day, which can lead to more isolation, feeling lonely.
The last couple of weeks I have tried an experiment that I created: I am trying to see how many happy moments I can create for others and myself. I note my successes on my phone throughout the day. I then share my successes with my wife and son when I arrive home from work or the end of the day. I am learning some important lessons that I now can apply to business. They are the following: Each day gives me the opportunity to create. Moments create happiness, not days. (I actually saw this message in huge letters on a car while walking to work.) I have the power to create what I want. When I reach out to others, individuals always have the right to choose not to engage for whatever reason. If people don't respond, it is some kind of information about them. No need to take lack of response to heart. Important to not process why someone rejected my reaching out, but to keep vibration high and move on to the next opportunity! Being concrete and writing down efforts and successes is positive reinforcement, supportive, and keeps the vibration high. The brain is faulty and tends to gravitate towards the negative with any kind of rejection. It triggers old patterns of behavior. Best to rely on information that is factual and in front of you.
As a result of this experiment and Somoya's message, I took action today on a Saturday. I reached out to three people about possible consulting opportunities! I realized I need to put out as many emails and/or texts to others on a daily basis. As a result, someone will reach back at some point. I need to be comfortable with not knowing the "when" and "how". My new self is flexible and willing to go with the flow. I am willing to give them what they want at a price that works for their budget. My goal is to get my information out their to as many people as possible, so people can be empowered around their own recovery process. If I look at business as a game, and not as something to take personally, I will overall have fun and be successful! Thanks to Somoya, I am no longer "stuck on the menu". I am planning to order one item at a time (by sending daily emails and/or texts to potential customers) and be willing to try them all (new opportunities to grow my business when they arrive)!
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