I Can't Find It

Friday, May 3rd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I can't find it."

At first I thought this message from Somoya was literal.  I asked my son if he had lost anything this morning.  He stated, "No.  But daddy, maybe it means something else...a different kind of loss."  My son is brilliant.  I was being way too concrete.

I began thinking about how unsafe I feel in my work environment as of lately.   This past Thursday was a shit show on the unit a couple of hours before I left work.   The director stated such an incident had never happened on the unit in her very long career.  It was a very unsafe situation, but luckily no patients or staff got hurt.

In addition, for the past five years I have had to battle with management to have backup with potentially unsafe clients when it comes to discharge and following out in the community.  Management has been against two person outreaches.  I advocated recently again, and finally a new supervisor took my side and has been having our back in regards to safety.  He takes the time to highlight concerns in notes, before we meet with the client.

Unfortunately, safety is becoming more of an issue overall where I work.  There has been a cut in managers for the units, which has lead to staff on the units feeling less supported and calling in "sick" or moving on to other jobs.  Less staff=increase potential for injuries to all involved.

Somoya's message now makes more since.  I can't find safety within my work environment, which is not a good situation to been in.  This is not healthy and I deserve a safe environment.  This causes me a lot of stress and triggers my PTSD when the work environment doesn't feel stable and supportive. As a result, I am putting more energy into focusing on my business out in the community, so I can soon reduce my hours more or find a different job all together.  I need to keep the health benefits while I go through this process.    


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