Daily insights from the past Week

Wednesday, May 8th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Trying something new...can't be that bad."  

This is statement is true about anything in life, especially as I pursue different ways to get business.  

Thursday, May 9th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Being in the loop."

I feel this pertains to work.  I am now a member of a Program Oversight Committee.  All the other members are managers and upper management.  Better to be informed, know whats going on, have the facts, then assume.  Takes the emotion out of it, if not assuming.  Good to know what is coming down the pike when it comes to group expectations and requirements.  Rids of unnecessary negative feelings, when in the loop.  Also, the program meeting is coming up next Tuesday.  This will make me aware of what is in the planning before it happens on the units, and I will have an opportunity to use my voice.

Also, I don't feel management does a good job of keeping all of us Peer Bridgers in the loop.  I need to assert myself more during team meetings by asking questions, because certain information is shared individually during supervisions and doesn't get passed on to the team.  Several weeks ago, our supervisor shared that a journalist from back east was planning to fly out and interview us.  I would like the opportunity to be interviewed, since I work as hard as the others to make the King County funded program a success.

Update:  5/14/19:

Management is trying to meet guidelines after an inspection.  Managers are being asked to make the verbiage my recovery based: giving the patients a voice regarding their goals.  I took this opportunity to speak up to all of the members.  I shared that my program already addresses and captures the patient's voice when it comes to managing a stressor, multiple stressors, communicating needs to providers and staff, creating daily structure, and achieving personal goals.  I have been offering this at Harborview for almost 10 years.  I stated I already have worksheets to capture this information.  TJ, who is operations manager, requested to see the information and worksheets, so that they don't reinvent the wheel.  I stated in an email I was happy to share the info, but that the information is protected by copyright and not to modify for use in the hospital.  To use the tool as is.  I cc'd Dr. V. and Kate McNulty in order to send out the red balloons.  Dr. V. was not present at the meeting.  I don't know TJ, but have a good rapport with Dr. V. and Kate.  TJ stated he will get back to me later.  

Thursday, May 9th

I also meditated before bed today.  I wanted to try something new.  I asked Somoya a question out loud ten times, as I was visualizing being with Somoya in our gazebo.  I asked her to connect me to my deceased brother Joel's spirit.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Trying to be someone...something."  

This was the essence of my brother Joel.  I have been trying the same since I was a teenager.  I had hoped to become a professional cyclist.  Greg LeMond was my hero and still is to this day.  I allowed my father to take away my dream the summer after graduating from high school.  Then I developed OPA For Mental Health, LLC in November of 2009..  I continue to "try to be someone...something."  

I want to leave my mark.  Just like Joel wanted and did leave his mark.  He made an amazing lotion applicator that has benefited people with disabilities and/or individuals who lack range of motion when applying lotions/ointments/medications to their bodies.  My brother Brian has been successful at carrying on and growing my brother Joel's business, since Joel completed suicide on March 2nd of 2007.  

It was so amazing to connect to Joel through Somoya.  I often feel his presence during the day.  Often music or my wife's humor reminds me of him in an uplifting way.  I am so excited that I can now converse with him in the spiritual world.  Thank you, Somoya!

Friday, May 10th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Going after every single voucher."

I looked up voucher via Google.  It is a synonym for receiving a discount.  A voucher is a coupon.  This is the best way to save money/stretch your dollar when addressing basic needs and wants:  food, clothing, housing, education, dental, fun activities, vacations, etc.  Why pay full-price??  When I don't pay full price on needs and wants, that extra money left over, due to using vouchers, can go toward building up your savings!  This is definitely a win win situation.  I have to admit.  It requires a little work, planning, and discipline in order to reap these rewards on a regular basis.  I have been aware of the benefits, but in the past not disciplined enough to follow through with using vouchers.  Our son Mason sold me on installing the Groupon app a month or so ago.  I used it once when we did an activity during his mid winter break.  

After writing down Somoya's message, I checked my phone.  I received an email from Groupon.  Out of curiosity, I opened the email.  The first thing on the page was a half off coupon for Emerald Downs.  This was a synchronistic moment.  I had been thinking about and my wife and I have been talking about someday going to the horse race track to check it out.  We both love horses and being out doors.  Also we thought it might be a fun experience for our son.  Kids are free.  So, I chose to be spontaneous and listen to Somoya's message.  I purchased two tickets.  

Update:  5/11/19:  

Mason and I took Kels to Emerald Downs to celebrate Mother's Day.  We all had a wonderful time!  It was a great ROI.  I only had to spend 30.00 for the three of us to have a blast for three hours.  That breaks down to 15.00 per adult.  This activity was a better bargain, lasts longer, and more fun than seeing a new movie release!

Saturday, May 11th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Arizona." 

I have driven through Sedona, Arizona when I was younger.  I really liked it.  It is a New Age/hippie environment.  The area is beautiful.  Sedona doesn't get too hot during the summer or cold during the winter.   Kels and I have been talking more about where we would want to live with our tiny house in the future, after Mason is an adult.  

Sunday, May 12th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I need to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Paper."

Today is Mother's Day!  This was great to have Somoya nudge me to have Mason make a hand written card for Kels.  In addition, my dad gave our son 500.00 for his upcoming birthday and to put towards his college education.  I had Mason make Kels and my dad cards.  I was apprehensive about taking on this task, because per history, due to his learning challenges, it has not been a fun experience to go through.  Mason surprised me today.  He was excited to create both cards.  His only request was for me to scribe his words of gratitude on paper, so he could copy.  He then did the rest.  He had fun and you could hear pride in his voice when sharing the final results!  Kels loves his card.

Monday, May 13th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Hope."  

I am hoping to hear something positive from Pattie Marshall who is with the State of Washington.  I sent an email inquiring if she would be interested in me offering trainings for 2020.  When I sent the message she was on vacation.  I am going to give her a couple more weeks to respond.  If I don't hear anything, I will reach out again.  

Tuesday, May 14th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Independence."

More and more each day, I am wanting my independence from my workplace.  I want to strike a balance somehow.  I want more opportunities to present and train others on the uses of OPA For Mental Health, LLC in the community.  I feel too confined to my workplace.  I need a larger audience.  I want to make the most of my days and moments doing the things I love.  I have a lot of talent and skills to share with those outside my work environment.  I want to make this manifest with the assistance of others. I realize I can't accomplish this goal alone, but few people are trustworthy and dependable in any business situation.  I am slowly creating my circle of wisdom, loyalty, and power.  It requires a lot of patience on my part, which I have always struggled with, but I am improving.

Wednesday, May 15th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "There are rules that have to be obtained...in order to bring about change."  

Lately, I have been practicing limit setting at work and at home.  It has been comfortable for me to do so at first, but it is getting easier.  I am getting positive results and respect from those I am setting limits with.   One particular client at work no longer comes to my group and bad mouths me with staff and other patients.  I am learning to be OK with this.  This says a lot about this patient's personality and what can come of setting limits.  Setting limits is a "truth serum."  It reveals everything about the other person quickly and often times very unpleasant interactions.  With our son, he becomes passive aggressive, which is more vague and can through me off guard.  I am quickly learning and feeling great about the outcomes of create rules/setting limits with all those I come in contact with in my daily life. 

Thursday, May 16th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Background."

After hearing Somoya's message, I opened my eyes.  I then saw a LinkedIn email say, "Not what you know.  It's who you know."  These two essentials are what make us all initially feel safe and willing to take a risk to assist someone, hire someone, and/or form a friendship/relationship with someone.  

Friday, May 17th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Teaches you responsibility." 

Prior to hearing the message from Somoya, I was thinking of how I have been setting limits with Mason this week.  This morning, the moment I woke up, I received passive aggressive behavior.  This week our son broke his promise to do daily typing at his mom's on our days.  I gave him natural consequences, rather than leaning on Kels to lay down the law.  I took away his cell phone and TV time for one evening.  In addition, I did not treat him today to a cookie at the local coffee shop.  He was informed in the past that in order to get a cookie on Fridays, his behavior has to be good all week.   

I Googled setting limits.  The first benefit it stated was that it teaches children to be responsible.  This was a nice reinforcing message after hearing what Somoya had to say.


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