When You Open Your Heart to Others

Wednesday, April 24th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya a question.  I asked, "What is Kels big moment?"  I then heard an internal voice say, "When you open your heart to others."

Kels and I saw a psychic a couple years ago.  Stephen the psychic stated Kels would have a big moment/shift in her life this year.  When I first shared the message with Kels she didn't see this as exciting, but as hard work.  Also she stated she didn't find such an action to be rewarding.

I later did some research on the internet around opening ones heart to others.  I sent the links to my wife.  She stated she took the time to read the links and found them to be helpful and supportive.  I know it will be hard work for her, but I also am confident she will reap endless rewards from being more vulnerable.


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