We Both Made the Decision

Thursday, April 4th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard an internal voice say, "We both made the decision."

When hearing this message from Somoya, I realized I have put off two wills:  One in which our son's birth mother and I need to do.  It is 9 years over due!  Also, Kelli and I need to do one for ourselves.  I have been procrastinating on both.  The former, cause I don't want to deal with my ex-wife in another lengthy process. The latter, due to not wanting to think about carrying on without my loving and extremely supportive wife Kels.  I know when I pass this information on to Kels, she and I will easily make the decision to take action and "Getter Done!"  That is just the way she is.  I so love that about her.  Fear is not the essence of who she is.  She is a Scorpio.  My goal is to complete the will with Kels first this year.  I will then feel more informed and confident to take it on with my ex, for Mason's sake.


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