Vince Lombardi

Sunday, April 28th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Vince Lombardi."

Last year I read the biography of Vince Lombardi, "When Pride Still Mattered".  It was a fantastic book.  It was about a flawed man who created incredible outcomes, due to his deep faith in God, sheer discipline, patience, and persistence.  He inspired football players to push their own personal limits, therefore creating the best overall football team in history:  THE GREEN BAY PACKERS!  It took Vince Lombardi twenty years to achieve his first goal:  becoming a general manager and a professional football coach.  This job landed him in Wisconsin.  After that, his team won a total of five Super Bowls during his career!

Vince Lombardi's qualities as a human being has inspired me in my quest to make my dream to come to fruition: make my cognitive method the best available resource out there to empower and help others manage their own personal stressors.  Being able to manage daily stress gives hope for the future!  Presently in our world, too many people are becoming consumed by stress and becoming hopeless and committing suicide at alarming rates. Pursing perfectionism and financial success and trying to fit in with "The Jones", just isn't worth it!  We as a society and as a world need to get back to the basics, what really matters: loving ourselves and others and getting our basic needs met.


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