I Just Love Being Alone With You!

Friday, April 26th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya a question out loud: "What fun things can Kels and I do today?!"  I then heard an internal voice say, "I just love being alone with you!"

Kels has been on Spring break from teaching.  This is unusual for both of us to have Friday off together.  Honestly, I was hoping to have Somoya offer me some fun ideas to do with my wife.  

When I got out of bed, my wife shared that she realized it would be best to run a bunch of errands today.  I asked if I could accompany her.  She was open.  I then told her what Somoya shared.  We both ended up having a fun afternoon together buying groceries and getting food for our bunnies.  I told my wife Kels we are so blessed that we can be happy and in love just being together, rather than always having to plan a fun adventure.  She offered up a warm smile and agreed.  


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