I have no Regrets

Friday, April 19th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I have no regrets."

This last Monday, I received an insight on my meditation walk to create as many happy moments for others and for myself on a daily basis.  I was inspired by a huge message written on both sides of a car along my walk to work.  The message said, "Life is not made up of days, but by Moments."  I decided not to just look forward to Friday thru Sunday as potentially fun days, but to make everyday memorable, even my workdays. The more I create happy moments, instead of waiting for life to make me happy, will raise my energy vibe and transform me for the better!  

Most of us are searching for happiness in others, material things, food, travel, and jobs.  When all along we each have the power to create our own happiness and happiness for others, by choosing to manifest happy moments, on any day, at anytime of day.  For example, as simple as saying good morning to a stranger on the street.  Holding the door open for another person.  Smiling.  Making someone belly laugh. Actively listening to someone feeling overwhelmed.  Other times, buying a small treat for a loved one.  Surprising someone with making dinner.  Offering a shoulder/back massage.  The list is endless as long as you allow yourself the power to create what ever happiness you want for others and yourself!  Either trust your gut or say your wants out loud! 

I texted my wife to see if she would be interested in making a daily game of it.  She loved the idea!  We are each creating as many happy moments for others and ourselves daily.  I have invited our son Mason to partake.  He is beginning to get the hang of it.  I am keeping track of my own on my phone and sharing my experiences nightly.  As a result, it has raised our vibration and has had us focus less on negative outcomes each day!  Hooray!  

So, my take away from Somoya's message today:  If I continue to focus on creating as many happy moments for others and myself each day, I will have no regrets the day I pass to the other side.  I don't want to return to this earth another time.


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