I am not going to be a Pushover

Tuesday, April 16th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "I am not going to be a pushover."

In general, I have a tendency to want to please people.   In the past, I have gotten scared to say no to others.  I don't do well with people being upset and mad at me.  I have learned from other behavioral health specialists, that when others react to my healthy limits and boundaries, that is ALWAYS information about them, not to take it personally.  For example, say you set healthy limits or boundaries with family, friends, co-workers, supervisors, partner, children, etc., and they react negatively to it.  They need to change their behavior... not you!  I am learning that setting healthy limits and boundaries consistently with anyone everyday, is best in preserving my health and wellness.


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