He is Untouchable

Sunday, April 7th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "He is untouchable."  

Last evening, my wife and I were having an soak in our private hot tub at Deer Harbor Resort.  We were having a variety of wonderful and spontaneous conversations:  some light and funny, others deep and philosophical.  One meaning conversation was about how we spend our time on this earth/our journey.  My wife made a comment about how she didn't know whether it is luck or karma or both that allows some to escape serious consequences for their poor choices, while others get screwed the first time they veer off their path.  It is a great question, which I and no human being will never have the answer to.  

Kelly's comment lead to me thinking about the Bible.  This infamous book is all about choices and natural consequences.  Both Kelly and I agreed it is the most well known and read book in human history.  Therefore, Somoya's message this morning made total sense.  I knew she was referring to Jesus Christ and his popularity worldwide.  It made me chuckle inside.  I realized that "he is untouchable" when it comes to all of us, including me, who are looking for the most "followers" on any form of social media via the web.  Jesus will be celebrated by his followers all over the world this coming Easter, April 21st, 2019.  This definitely makes him untouchable!


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