Have You Had Any Presence? (Contains Update)

Tuesday, April 30th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, “Have you had any Presence?”

I Googled the definition.  It means a person or thing that exists or is present in a place, but not seen: ghost, spirit.  A couple times I have felt a connection to a presence during meditation.  I want to make more of an effort connecting to spirits that have past to the other side, especially my family members.

5/1/19: Update:

I received a message on my work phone, and the clients voice sounded exactly like my diseased mother’s voice.  It was spooky and triggering in a negative way all at the same time.  The voice was old, raspy, and sounded tired.  The tone was manipulative and and had an underling feeling of sadness and disappointment.  This is how my mom sounded and acted in her older age when she was alive on this earth.  I love my mom, but I am so happy and grateful that I don’t have to engage with her behavior anymore.


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