Hate to be the Bearer of Bad News

Tuesday, April 9th

During the middle of the night I heard an internal voice say, "Hate to be the bearer of bad news."  I was just about to get up to use the restroom.  Then during morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "My mom and dad are very close."

My assumption is that Somoya is referring to a death in the family in the near future, based on the wording.  My dad is going to be 90 this coming December.  I had a wonderful 2 hour conversation with him over the phone last Friday.  He did mention he has a "spot overlooking Husky Stadium" at Calvary Cemetery.  This is also where my mom and her parents are buried.  

My mom died two years ago.   Even though my parents divorced after 44 years of marriage, my parents were still very close.  My dad would read to her every day as she laid confined to a group home in the last stage of her life.  I am confident they will still hang together, once his soul passes to the other side.  Their friendship will never die.


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