
Friday, April 12th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya two questions:  Will Eric commit to presentations/trainings re: my business.  Also, what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Flight."

Possibly this message is referring to Eric or my other guess is my nephew's wedding that is coming up.  My brother Brian's oldest son Kevin is getting married September 7th, 2019.  The wedding will be back in Baltimore, Maryland.  I easily get along with my brother Brian and his wife and children.  I would have a great time, if I went, if my wife chose not to go.  I haven't seen any of them in many years.  I will wait to see if I get an invite by mail, before giving it more thought.

As far as Eric, I sent him a text about taking further action on setting up paid presentations and/or trainings this year in our community.  I haven't heard back in several days, but he also has been out sick.  I know I can trust him and he is very smart.  He also has buy in.  My overall concern is his drive and commitment.  He is a busy man and has a family of his own.

So, is it "Flight" to buy a ticket to go to a fun wedding, or "Flight" in which Eric departs from our business adventure?  Time will tell...Hopefully the former.


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