Coffee Shop

Friday, April 5th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then heard an internal voice say, "Coffee shop."

I knew immediately this was referring to my wife Kels and son Mason.  I have Fridays off from my "day job", and usually drive her and Mason to their destinations.  She sometimes gets herself or both of us a coffee and Mason a treat.  Somoya's message made me excited to surprise both of them with a treat!  I jumped out of bed and said, "Would you like a coffee?!"  Kels said in a loving voice, "I would love one!"   Her love showed even more so in her beautiful green eyes and warm smile.  I then asked our son.  He was genuinely surprised, happy, and perplexed all at the same time that Somoya suggested me treating.

Later on Mason asked me several open ended questions with excitement:  What do you see when you speak to Somoya when you are meditating?!  What does she look like?!  Can you ask her anything?!  Can you talk to a spirit animal?!"  He was talking so fast, I could hardly keep up with replies.  The  funny thing is Mason has known for a long time I have conversations with Somoya daily, but he has not shown much interest.  Although, this is the first time he has been on the receiving end of it in a fun and rewarding way!  So, I can see why this would immediately peak his curiosity.  My wife on the other hand, is not surprised by my gift to connect, translate, and act on Somoya's messages.  She is always supportive and appreciative of the messages and outcomes, whether they pertain to her or not.

I love to be spontaneous!  But this was even more fun being encouraged by Somoya to do something for my family.  I really enjoyed seeing the surprise on both of their faces and hearing it in their voices, even when the gift was very small.  Somoya reminded me that showing love doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag.

The other neat outcome was my gut informed me that the treats would be within my weekly cash budget of 10.00 for "wants".  When my wife and son returned from the coffee shop, I received an email that 9.57 was spent.

I am having more fun tapping into my psychic abilities and connecting with the spiritual world.  It is making me want to do it more often each day!  


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